Panic: Memory exceeds hard limit Error: 2019-10-29T03:35:29.797Z panic hostd[309C2B70] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] --> --> Panic: Memory exceeds hard limit. Panic --> Backtrace: --> [backtrace begin] product: VMware ESX, version: 6.5.0, build: build-6765664, tag: hostd, cpu: x86, os: esx, buildType: release ---> Fix : NOTE : Put the host in Maintenance mode. To be on a safe side, Copy the /productLocker/vmtools/ folder and its contents from a working host running the same ESXi version/build and replace them on the affected host. 1. take SSH on one working host and the affected host, let us take esxi0A is working and esxi0B is affected. 2. Login as "root" user 3. scp the /productLocker/vmtools/ folder and contents from the "good" host to the "problem" host $ [esxi0A:~]$ scp -rf /productLocker/vmtools/ esxi0B:/productLocker/ COAUTION: This will overwrite the vmtools folder on the problem host, hence you could back...
Hey, This blog is for VMware related topics and also for Kuberenets, now THATWASKUBE!