Panic: Memory exceeds hard limit
2019-10-29T03:35:29.797Z panic hostd[309C2B70] [Originator@6876 sub=Default]
--> Panic: Memory exceeds hard limit. Panic
--> Backtrace:
--> [backtrace begin] product: VMware ESX, version: 6.5.0, build: build-6765664, tag: hostd, cpu: x86, os: esx, buildType: release
Fix :
NOTE : Put the host in Maintenance mode.
To be on a safe side, Copy the /productLocker/vmtools/ folder and its contents from a working host running the same ESXi version/build and replace them on the affected host.
1. take SSH on one working host and the affected host, let us take esxi0A is working and
esxi0B is affected.
2. Login as "root" user
3. scp the /productLocker/vmtools/ folder and contents from the "good" host to the "problem" host
$ [esxi0A:~]$ scp -rf /productLocker/vmtools/ esxi0B:/productLocker/
COAUTION: This will overwrite the vmtools folder on the problem host, hence you could backup this folder locally if you want but it is not mandatory for the purpose of this activity.
4. Verify the MD5SUM of the vmtools folder contents on the good and bad host. These should match after copying.
For e.g. md5sum /productLocker/vmtools/windows.iso
1f13ee2eb9dfb4eab070c241a1d71cf4 /productLocker/vmtools/windows.iso
Note: Run the md5sum command on all the files under the vmtools folder on both hosts
5. Restart Management Agents restart
6. Exit Maintenance Mode
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