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Disabling a running Harbor on a WCP cluster fails


Disabling a running Harbor on the WCP cluster fails with the error: 

Harbor namespace vmware-system-registry-xxxxx delete operation timed out after 600 seconds.
This issue occurs due to a failed disable Harbor registry on the WCP cluster due to harbor namespace deletion failure.
To resolve the issue use the kubectl command to delete the Harbor namespace:
  1. Connect to the WCP cluster with SSH and the root user.
  2. Run this command to find the Harbor namespace: kubectl get ns -A
Example Output:

NAME                                        STATUS   AGE
default                                     Active   24h
kube-node-lease                             Active   24h
kube-public                                 Active   24h
kube-system                                 Active   24h
my-podvm-ns                                 Active   23h
storage-policy-test                         Active   23h
test-dataprovider-ns                        Active   23h
test-exec-ns                                Active   23h
test-kube-events-ns                         Active   23h
test-multiple-podvm-ns                      Active   23h
test-pod-security-policy                    Active   23h
test-podvm-annotations                      Active   23h
test-podvm-tolerations                      Active   23h
test-resource-quota-ns                      Active   23h
test-telemetry                              Active   23h
test-update-workload-ns                     Active   23h
vmware-system-appplatform-operator-system   Active   24h
vmware-system-capw                          Active   24h
vmware-system-csi                           Active   24h
vmware-system-gcm                           Active   24h
vmware-system-kubeimage                     Active   24h
vmware-system-nsx                           Active   24h
vmware-system-registry                      Active   24h
vmware-system-registry-787466687            Active   5s
vmware-system-vmop                          Active   24h
  1. Run this command:
kubectl delete ns vmware-system-registry-xxxxxxxx

Note: If the deletion hangs, see:


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