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Enable content Copy/Paste between VMRC client and Windows/Linux Virtual Machine


Unable to copy the file content from Virtual Machine using the VMRC
This article provides the basic steps to enable the Copy/Paste between the VMRC client and Windows/Linux Virtual Machine.
The Copy/Paste between VMRC client and MacOS virtual machine is not supported currently.

  •  This Steps provided in the kb helps you to copy the data only not file/folder. However, you can copy the content of entire file but not the file.
  •  This is per VM level configuration
To resolve this issue:
  1. Install or upgrade the VMware tools for the Windows/Linux virtual machine(VM). For more information see Installing and upgrading VMware Tools in vSphere.
  2. Power off the VM.
  3. Enable the Copy & Paste for the Windows/Linux virtual machine:
    1. Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit Settings.
    2. Click the VM Options tab, expand Advanced, and click Edit Configuration.
    3. Using the Name and Value fields at the bottom of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, add the following. Click on Add after each entry:
Name:                                 Value:          FALSE         FALSE  TRUE

  1. ​These options override any settings made in the guest operating system’s VMware Tools control panel. Click OK.
  2. If the changes are made to the configuration parameters, restart the virtual machine.
  1. Then use Copy/Paste directly on Windows/Linux/any other platform. 
  2. For paste operation's target platform is Linux, Older X applications do not use a clipboard. Instead, they let you paste the currently selected text (called the "primary selection") without copying it to a clipboard. Pressing the middle mouse button is usually the way to paste the primary selection. For more information see Copying and pasting from a Windows guest to Linux host.


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