VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager installation may fail if the Windows firewall services are not registered
- Installing VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) 4.x fails
- Installing SRM 4.0 fails with these MSI installer verbose log messages:
MSI (s) (2C:3C) [16:35:34:349]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=VMRollbackAddSrmFirewallExceptions,,)
MSI (s) (2C:3C) [16:35:34:349]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=VMRollbackAddSrmFirewallExceptions,ActionType=1345,Source=BinaryData,Target=VMRemoveSrmFirewallExceptions,CustomActionData=VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager;C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\;8095;8096;9007)
MSI (s) (2C:3C) [16:35:34:349]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=VMAddSrmFirewallExceptions,Description=Configuring Windows Firewall Exceptions,)
MSI (s) (2C:3C) [16:35:34:365]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=VMAddSrmFirewallExceptions,ActionType=1025,Source=BinaryData,Target=VMAddSrmFirewallExceptions,CustomActionData=VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager;C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\;8095;8096;9007)
MSI (s) (2C:1C) [16:35:34:365]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI371.tmp, Entrypoint: VMAddSrmFirewallExceptions
VMware: Srm::Installation::Utility::GetMsgFromErrorTable: ERROR: MsiGetActiveDatabase() failed. Trying MsiOpenDatabase().
VMware: Srm::Installation::Utility::GetMsgFromErrorTable: INFORMATION: Error message is Could not open service:
VMware: Srm::Installation::ServiceHandler::ServiceHandler: ERROR: Could not open service: SharedAccess
VMware: Srm::Installation::Utility::ConfigureSrmFirewallExceptions: ERROR: VMConfigureSrmFirewallExceptions failed: Could not open service: SharedAccess
CustomAction VMAddSrmFirewallExceptions returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
Action ended 16:35:34: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
- Installing SRM 4.1 fails with these MSI installer verbose log messages:
MSI (s) (88:7C) [12:50:57:477]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=VMRemoveSrmFirewallExceptions,Description=Removing Windows Firewall Exceptions,)
MSI (s) (88:7C) [12:50:57:509]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=VMRemoveSrmFirewallExceptions,ActionType=1089,Source=BinaryData,Target=VMRemoveSrmFirewallExceptions,CustomActionData=VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager;C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\;8095;8096;9007)
MSI (s) (88:00) [12:50:57:634]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI1395.tmp, Entrypoint: VMRemoveSrmFirewallExceptions
VMware: Srm::Installation::Utility::GetMsgFromErrorTable: ERROR: MsiGetActiveDatabase() failed. Trying MsiOpenDatabase().
VMware: Srm::Installation::Utility::GetMsgFromErrorTable: INFORMATION: Error message is Could not open service:
VMware: Srm::Installation::ServiceHandler::ServiceHandler: ERROR: Could not open service: MpsSvc
VMware: Srm::Installation::Utility::ConfigureSrmFirewallExceptions: ERROR: VMConfigureSrmFirewallExceptions failed: Could not open service: MpsSvc
on the Windows platform on which SRM is, one of two firewall services
(SharedAccess or MpsSvc) may be registered and running on the system.
Using Windows Service Control Manager, you can can get the display names
and query the status information on these two services.
For example:
C:\>sc getDisplayName SharedAccess
[SC] GetServiceDisplayName SUCCESS
Name = Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
C:\>sc getDisplayName SharedAccess
[SC] GetServiceDisplayName SUCCESS
Name = Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
C:\>sc getDisplayName MpsSvc
[SC] GetServiceDisplayName SUCCESS
Name = Windows Firewall
[SC] GetServiceDisplayName SUCCESS
Name = Windows Firewall
SRM to install successfully, these two services must be registered on
the system. That is, they must show up in the services list. As long as
these services are registered, it does not matter whether they are
enabled (running/stopped) or disabled.
To check if these services are registered, you can review the service list or use Windows Service Control Manager.
C:\>sc query MpsSvc
[SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060:
[SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060:
The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
In this example, the MpsSvc service has been unregistered.
the event that all perceived services are running and the installation
is still failing, it may be beneficial to run the installation in
verbose mode to determine if any other services are marked disabled.
Related Information
To collect verbose SRM installation logs, the installation must be started from the command line. For example:
<VMware-srm-####.exe> /V"/lve C:\SRM-installation-log.txt"
Where <VMware-srm-####.exe> is the SRM installation executable file and C:\SRM-installation-log.txt is the file where the installation logs will be saved
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